Friendship Garden Nursery School

Holiday Traditions, A Book on Every Bed

I was recently introduced by my friends at The Coalition for Children,  to a new holiday tradition, “A Book On Every Bed”.
Imagine… One million children across America waking up on Christmas morning (or another winter holiday) to find a gift-wrapped book on their bed!

Amy Dickinson of “Ask Amy” and USA Weekend are encouraging families across
the United States to start this special holiday book tradition. You can help by sharing it with all of the families you know,

I love it; your children from pre-school age on up, will as well!

After your child has fallen asleep on a winter holiday evening, place a gift wrapped book at the end of his/her bed. The child will awaken to find a special present that can be opened and read right away, beginning this wonderful new tradition. This is a great way to keep your children in bed a little longer while spending quality time with you. This may help to get them to bed a bit earlier as well, as they look forward to reading or hearing read their new book again!
Additionally, you will be building a lovely keepsake library to pass on for generations. Wouldn’t it be fun to add a special pair of pajamas with one of the books making this a perfect way to cozy up and enjoy the season of giving?
Remember to spend quality time during this season of rushing around. We too often forget how this type of gesture adds up to great lasting memories.

Some titles for pre-school age children you might consider:
The Polar Express  by Chris Van Allsburg
The Grinch Who Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss
Frosty the Snowman
Mr. Rabbit and the Lovely Present  by Charlotte Zolotow
Who’s That Knocking on Christmas Eve  by Jan Brett
T’was the Night Before Chistmas  by Clement C. Moore
Llama, Llama, Holiday Drama by Anna Dewdney

Teaching Children About Charity

The winter holiday season is a good time to teach your young children the gift of charity, however there are many opportunities year round to practice being charitable. Let’s explore a few charitable ideas.

First, children between the ages of three and four are beginning to learn that other people have feelings. At this age children develop and hone a sense of empathy; the very basis for charity. Let’s start early teaching charity to our pre-schoolers.

To begin with, charity begins in the home with the family. Parents are closest to the young child and can set the best example most easily.  A great way to reinforce charitable values is to make giving a regular fun filled family activity. The best charitable activities are those that connect with your child’s everyday experiences or interests. It is easiest for younger children to understand direct and concrete examples of charitable giving. For example, encourage your young child(ren) to donate their outgrown toys and clothing to other children. You might even start with an older sibling passing his/her things down to a younger sibling, cousin, family friend or a neighbor’s newborn.

Food is always most welcome at your local food pantry. Pick up an extra can a week and put it aside for a special trip to the food pantry. Purchase toiletries or write a letter for servicemen and women serving overseas. If your child is interested in animals you might donate food and blankets to an animal shelter. Collect hats, mittens, coats and/or diapers. There are many organizations that collect any or all of the above. Imagine the “feel good” sense when teaching your child to care about others.

Additionally, encourage everyone in your household to participate in volunteer activities. Many organizations need a helping hand. Praise your children when they show generosity and empathy to others.  When you help out with your gift of time at a charitable event, a soup kitchen, or picking up trash, ask your children to join. Bake or rake leaves for your neighbor. Remember that children learn what they live. Kids thrive when they feel a sense of responsibility and will get involved with any activity that makes them feel empowered. Teach pre-schoolers that they are part of a larger community, and that we are all responsible for everyone around us. Don’t you want to live in a world where people care about one another?

You are your child’s first teacher.

Cinnamon Dough Ornaments- Pre-School Cooking Project

Cinnamon Dough Ornaments

I want to share with you a fun, aromatic, yearly tradition of making cinnamon dough ornaments. On the day we make these decorations the entire child care center smells absolutely wonderful and we love that! We get the same reaction from families when we make popcorn. It is important to our senses to surround ourselves with “good” smells. 

To begin gather a large bowl, mixing spoon, cookie cutters, ribbon and the 2 ingredients required for this recipe, cinnamon and applesauce. The amounts are listed below. Since there are only two ingredients in this recipe, cinnamon and applesauce, it is fairly easy to do with young children in a group childcare setting.

Making Tan Cinnamon Dough for Pre-School Ornament Project

Making Cinnamon Dough Ornaments


Cinnamon Dough

½ cup cinnamon

½ cup applesauce

Pour cinnamon and applesauce into a bowl. Mix until the mixture turns into dough.
It is so much fun to hear the children try to say “cinnamon” as we discuss and measure the ingredients for the project. Mix the ingredients together remembering to use rich vocabulary as you mix the dough.  Give each child a small ball to play with, this activity helps children to strengthen the small muscles in the hand which are used in writing! The dough also keeps the children busy and allows the parent/educator time to work individually with each child to roll out the dough for cutting with a cookie cutter.

Roll out your dough to your desired thickness. We have been rolling out 1/4” slabs. This thickness works well with special holiday shaped cookie cutters and it stays solid for putting a hole in for hanging.  We like to make snowflakes, Santa Claus, reindeer, snowmen and stars.  After you shape the dough poke a large hole with a straw in the top of the ornament This is for stringing after the ornaments dry.

The dough stores nicely in the refrigerator for several days if you want to return to the project.

It takes about four days for these ornaments to dry, please keep this in mind as you plan your holiday activities. Turn the ornaments daily for best results. We tie ours when dry with a pretty ribbon. Once they are dry they last for years and will retain their cinnamon scent for many, many seasons to come.

What is your favorite holiday tradition?