Friendship Garden Nursery School

Play is Learning

I believe play IS the curriculum of early childhood education. The role of the educator is to facilitate the child’s play and take it to new learning levels as dictated by the child.

I have been privileged in my career to have worked with play enthusiasts in all my roles. Currently I have been editing just how much to intervene in a child’s activities and to determine exactly what that interruption might look like. It might be a quiet addition of another material. It could be just sitting near the play as a sign of quiet support, it might be adding language to the child’s activity.  It is a difficult self-reflective task to find a balance between interrupting play and letting it carry out. I am looking to notice if play is ever NOT educational.

Families understand the importance of play if we assign it as important. Play is documented as learning and presented in many ways (daily sheets, anecdotal record, verbally, documentation boards) to the parents. At the infant/toddler level this is generally understood.

In the preschool classroom the struggle is more difficult as it appears that families want more documentation of “traditional” learning. Here I define “traditional” as teacher directed activity. This is where I see cultural expectation and perspective is important. Culturally, society lumps play into the category of recreational and not educational. The importance of play is seen as a release or outlet and not a learning mode. Play is important but not as a learning mode. Taking this thought into perspective defines for the educator a more difficult role of making the connection between play and education seamless. It can be done by making learning during play evident to the family.

Early Education Environment

Early Education and Care Environment. Beauty all around.

I have recently begun to think about the eventual end of my “sabbatical” and our return to the East coast. I see the beauty all around me and I look with an eye towards how I can create an early education environment that is beautiful for young children.

Back when I was in school (a long time ago) I remember being taught that a quality early education program could be run in a dismal space. This may be true as we have to work with limited space, even smaller budgets, a time crunch, and possibly push back from Administration but beautiful spaces can and should be created for children.

If your space seems impossible, can you ask for an outside opinion?  Others can often see what we cannot!

If you think you have no time, can you ask for help? You might be surprised at how many people would be willing to lend a hand  in creating a beautiful early education environment for their children. At the very least ask, don’t assume no one will participate.

If you have no budget, can you fundraise, or look at no cost/low cost improvements?

Have you tried to get Administration on board? If you are committed and enthusiastic, you can move mountains. Set a goal and work on a presentation and go for it with passion.

I have found many ideas on Pinterest. Follow us at Friendship Garden Nursery School.