Friendship Garden Nursery School

This OR That, This AND that

Let’s choose AND rather than OR!

Children can play and still be learning. It’s not play or learning!

Children can move and still be listening. It’s not, you must sit still or you won’t learn!

Children can express opinions and be listened to. It’s not you will listen to me or else (insert some consequence).

It’s not me or you, it’s me and you. We all matter!


Do you like being interrupted when you are busy working on something important to you? Most of us do not! I wonder why we spend so much time interrupting children and simultaneously expect “good” behavior.

We try to keep children on a schedule ignoring their internal biological needs. We stop them in their tracks because we think they must do this or that. We organize their play because we think they should be learning something other than what we see. But how do we know what they are learning. When we impose our ideas, it interrupts their flow of learning and gathering information. Just like me interrupting you, the effect is the same, we are thrown off track!

Let’s step back!

A Child Called “J”

Occasionally, something happens that reminds you of your “why” in early childhood eductaion! In January we met “J” a 3-year-old child who was in foster care. His foster family brought him to us at Friendship Garden. In just a day we fell in love. Did we recognize that this child experienced trauma in their young life? You bet we did. It is important to recognize a child’s background and at the same time to not focus, obssess or overthink it.

This child responded to taking their time to acclimate without being pushed by adults. They felt love and acceptance as evidenced by a big hug in just one day!

After only three days the child was placed in another foster home and left our care. He left a mark on all of us. We proved to ourselves that a wide-open heart of acceptance makes a difference quickly. We saw a spark in a beautiful smile.

One can only hope that our chance crossing stays on both our minds for a long time.